
The unique products
in the world

Let yourself be carried away on this new journey


Our organic

A trip to our beautiful region


Nature & Culture

Bees show us in many ways: unity is strength


Your unique

It gives what man and bee created together in harmony.

  • carrello vuoto

Available formats

€ 8.70

Spray nebulizer

€ 8.70

Dropper bottle

An almost divine
noble origin

Propolis is created by bees from the resin that some plants secrete to protect the tender leaf buds and shredded bark. At our latitudes the Bees prefer to harvest mainly from poplar trees (Populus nigra and alba), the protagonists of a wonderful legend of Greek mythology: the poplars are the Eliad sisters (daughters of the Sun), who Zeus decides to turn into trees because he is moved by their grief for the loss of their brother. And yet their tears of love continue to flow out... in the form of resin.

Pro-polis ("in front of the city"):
a universal defender

Bees know how to draw every conceivable benefit from Propolis: they use it as a building material to cover cracks in their Hives, protecting themselves from dust and draughts of cold air; they use it to cover irregular surfaces and make them waterproof... not only that: the disinfectant properties of Propolis are useful for embalming invaders (mice, moths, etc.) that are too big to be transported out after defeating them.

finally, the most intimate and precious use: a thin layer of Propolis is spread by the bees on the bottom of the brood cells, which welcome generations and generations of new bees. This way each one can grow healthy and strong in an germ-free environment.

How do
we harvest

We insert a fenestrated cavity in the beehive which causes the Bees to want to seal it... with Propolis, of course. Then we put this kind of net in the freezer, to solidify and separate the raw Propolis, which in turn is put to macerate in organic alcohol (65%). Thus, after 20 days in the cold and dark, we obtain a particularly bitter Mother Tincture, with a minimum concentration of 40% Propolis.


Mountain product:
a "transparent" brand

The "Mountain product" quality indication is reserved for raw materials coming from the mountains. Protecting mountain products means rewarding the work of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises that help keep our country's economy alive as well as recognizing the social, environmental and touristic value of these areas. Bringing our Bees to these areas also means maintaining and sustaining their magnificent biodiversity; for this reason, we chose to harvest our "Wildflower" products here alone, where Nature thrives in all its colors.

Nun Assisi Relais&Spa

Superb restaurant, first-class SPA center, very luxurious hotel.

Parafarmacia Naturvitae

In un piccolo comune della provincia di Latina, la Dott.ssa Angela accoglie tutta la gamma BeeStrong

The taste of solidarity

Read the article on cronacheancona.it

The importance of getting to know bees 

Read the article on nonsoloambiente.it

Registered office

Giorgio Poeta s.r.l.

via Bruno Buozzi 56B

60044 Fabriano AN

P.Iva e CF 02726530427

Laboratory/sales outlet

Via Santa Croce 65

60044 Fabriano AN

Fabriano East exit

Social media

BANDO: EVENTI SISMICI POR MARCHE FESR 2014/2020 – ASSE 8 – OS 21 - AZIONE 21.1 “Azioni per il riorientamento e la diversificazione dei mercati” – INTERVENTO 21.1.1 “Sostegno agli investimenti produttivi al fine del rilancio della crescita economica e della competitività” Bando 2022.

DOMANDA N.  ID n. 58869, approvata con Decreto n. 86/ICIN del 04/04/2023

TITOLO DEL PROGETTO: “Sviluppo commerciale in Medio Oriente, Paesi del Golfo e Stati Uniti”


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